Sunday, April 17, 2011

If you are interested, the word love is  beautiful when you study the meaning in the Greek. Without the proper guidance, our understanding is tarnished.
    I am the husband, Joy is my jewel. She is a gift from Theos, our boss, we are slaves to Him, willingly with great worship.
    We do not follow the churches for they do not follow the pure agape in the Greek or Love as u know it to mean of the Lord our
Savior. My name is Roger. I know that Jesus is the True God for
me. The miracles began in our lives only when we went to HIm for our needs. I have saved my wifes life 5 times. I have been threatend with car accidents and many incidenrts trying to kill me and so on so many times that it has become an expectation. i know that I am worshiping the True God because I should be dead. 30 years ago i could not climb a ladder. Last year, at the age of 65 I reroofed my 8 bedroom house with the bigest pitch in
my area. Someone who hates our belief cut the rope that I wAS
USING TO Secure myself. He is now very afraid of me, I will not hurt him , he does not know what he is doing. If you would
like to know more about our exciting Life, please tell us.

I think all of us have several miracles experiences, they could be saved from death or got achievements.
but your life sound stunning and colorful.
yah, we worship different Lord.
but at the end we will back to the same Lord.

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