Sunday, April 10, 2011

jesus didnt say a name, but he meant paul
Nachricht: 1st of all, I'm not an Indian, I'm an Arab.
I'm not a hindu, I'm an atheist, I'm just using hinduism as an example so you can understand that there's no difference in validity between your religion and the hindu religion, but you just don't seem to get it.
You insist that muhammad is the last prophet because muhammad says so, and that's a logical fallacy called circular logic.
I'm not judging islam based on the people (although it's totally fair, you don't see buddhists burning embassies, destroying historic statues and declaring jihads), I'm judging islam based on how crude and repetitive the quran is.

when jesus spoke about false prophets, he used plural (prophetS) not singular, and he wasn't talking about Paul.
You should now clearly see the point I was trying to make throughout our conversation, Paul said that during one of his trips to Damascus, jesus appeared to him and guided him on his way to be his apostle to the gentiles (non-jews), and until the day he died by the decapitation, the holy spirit of god remained with him, providing guidance and bestowing on him the gift of divine revelation.
you said "the false prophets, one of them was Paul" and that paul was the dajjal.
So, now I want to ask you a question, based on what do you reject the revelation of paul and accept the revelation of muhammad?
when you answer this, I want you to provide reasons that were not spoken by muhammad (this applies to the quran too), as he will surely not say "I am a false prophet"


None of the prophets nor jesus nor moses nor khrisna, sidharta said that such quote. it was original form p muhammad.
If you judge the religion base on the followers then you will never find the true relegion.
Plural dan singular hardly recognized in english nor arabic bible. it was already edited and altered. So no one able to find the true words that already mixed inside.
Paul introduced the son of god concept. He was the first christian officially. he was the first guy who worship man in christianity. That's why the 7 youths christian (al kahfi) who kept their pure nazraniyan far away to the remote place to kept their original faith. they avoid the polluted christianity faith. 

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