Thursday, April 14, 2011


No man can be a founder of Christianity. The Creator, the Lord Jesus is the founder and  He choose his followers and gives instructions on how to follow Him through His Prophets. Christianity began aftere the death of Adam . Adam was lost because he did not repent of his disobediance.
       Paul was the first apostle to be sent to the gentiles after the death of the Lord jesus.Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness for sin. ONly the Son of God was strong enough and acceptable to the Father for a sacrifice. When muslims die their sins are not forgiven. It is very sad.
We perhaps do things differently than many Christian
groups, we think so.
   We do not TRY to convert anyone ourselves.  Theos
(ie. God) is bigger than we are, right?  So we speak to
those who are searching for what we have.
   We know that the bible is not for everyone.  Many
Christians think it is.  It is not for everyone.
   So, we do not speak with atheists...unless they
are searching to know what we know.
   Perhaps this can help you also?? Because you
also like to study, so do we, and atheists just
waste our time.  Your thoughts? 
   The best to you, and thank you for your discussion.
(p.s. are you German?...because this seems German).
Joy & Roger

the religion of all prophets include adam were Islam. All of them worship same God. It doesnt matter we call Him in our tribal name. 
God sent 124000 prophets to this world. started from adam and the last was Prophet Muhammad.
Paul was not a messenger. He was nothing to do with the first original NAzraniyan.

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