Tuesday, April 12, 2011

poor destiny:
Thema: Re: 12 companions (al hawariyyun)
Nachricht: "picture represents 1000 words."
and a wrong picture represents a 1000 wrong words. As I said, google will give you any picture with the same tags as the words you searched. Do not assume that every picture is giving accurate information, and please don't make me repeat myself about wikipedia.
Learn how to search for correct information, not everything on the internet is correct.

"the era before paper and ink known widely, everyone easy to announce false scripture and admit it as the holybook."
that is not true, paper was used by the chinese and egyptians thousands of years before jesus, and by the time the bible was being written, paper was abundant, the Roman empire recorded its entire history on paper, the library of alexandria contained hundreds of thousands of books and scrolls.
I wouldn't accuse you of lying, but you're clearly talking about things you're not knowledgeable or misinformed about.

"the companions of jesus recorded and typed the enjeel but sadly altered later on by evil priests."
1- no, they didn't type anything, computers and typewriters didn't exist back then.
2- how do you know it's altered? and PLEASE don't tell me "because muhammad/quran said so", as I told you before, muhammad will not say he is a false prophet, muhammad will not say that he is wrong and paul is right.
if you want to prove one of them against the other you have to use an external, unbiased source.
If you can't understand this simple point, then we better not waste our time anymore

that picture taken from budhist temple in thailand. unfuortunately blonde people twist budhism from deity to undeity. very evil. 
internet provides both wrong and correct information.
of course paper already invented, but not widely used. and it was easily dissappear.
the enjeel kept in temple (churches) by evil priests. and later on they twisted the verses and reproduced it to the new one. it was very easy at the time.
the discovered scrolls were the altered one. the original scripture did not exist anymore since thousansd years ago. how a pity. the bible in hebrew today or in greece not same  a hundred years ago. the language is the matter. and of course to translate it the evil priests changed many chapters and verses.
i read a book few years ago written by an ex priest. he spent alot of time to discover the meaning of son of man, comforter etc. and he found that bible has been changed massively
it is very easy to find the mistakens and contradictions in bible.
not only muslims said that. all people in the world know bible has already edited and changed.
just type in google, shockingly you ll find tons of them. 

i smell  a guy will convert, maybe this is the first time in my life convert a guy to islam. hopefully.

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