Thursday, April 14, 2011

the great forgiver:

Thema: Re: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Nachricht: ok, you win
you are 10000000000% better than me
you are going to heaven and I am an animal who lives for poop and sex.

have fun in your heaven
bye bye

ummah of rasulullah:
aha, i avoid in my life saying: i am going to heaven or paradise.
during our discussion, i never said: i, myself will go to paradise, it is extremly prohibited.
it is very arrogance.
the better one, saying, the believers will go to paradise.
those who deny worship  Allah, then animals better than them.
i hope i will go to paradise. why not we have hope?
and you also, you suppose go to there. request paradise. dont against it.
bye bye also. have fun in this dirty world. 

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