Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thema: Re: son of man and comforter
Nachricht: "i smell a guy will convert"
he he, maybe your neighbor has very potent farts, that's all.
why would I convert? so far you haven't provided any evidence that your god (if any) exists, you haven't answered a simple question, and you keep repeating how evil priests have altered the bible (but you're yet to tell me how you know that).

anyway, let's not talk about buddhism any more and return to our original subject (notice how I've been saying that for the last 4 messages?), buddhism was just an example, I have no need to be defending buddhism or even christianity/bible, my original position (obviously, being an atheist) is that all religion is pointless until evidence for their god(s) is available.

but since you are a muslim, it is clear that you're rejecting the claims of christians, hindus, buddhists, mormons,..

so, getting back to our topic, and for the 3rd time, why do you reject paul's claims of divine revelation (god talked to him through the holy spirit) and accept muhammad's claims of revelation (god talked to him through archangel gabriel)?
I know muhammad says he is the last prophet, and I know he says the quran is the only unaltered word of god, but that doesn't count for the same reason they don't let a person being charge of murder go free if he says in court "I am innocent, I did not kill that person, I am telling the truth"
you need confirming unbiased sources to establish a validity of a claim

believe in unseen is called belief, otherwise a visionable is not belief anymore.  God introduces Himself in His signs, sun rolls from east to west, flying birds, shining moon at night, falling rain, all are the signs of His existency.
i believe all religions once true faiths, mere different names and worshiping ways.
paul heard devil sound just like guru nanak, and ghulam ahmad heard.
claiming able to be tested.
why is islam true?
because it is scietifically proven, the law base on wisdom, the history full of stunning reports, the people are too pious and keep their religion and its rules.
everyone can learn islam,  free.  
islam is so beautiful, enlight and brighten.

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