Monday, July 4, 2011

Jesus performed miracles, so what about ur greatest prophet? none!! if it's about eloquence, it fails, go check how many grammatical mistakes, and it won't work in translation therefore it's not a universal religion cuz ur god only understand arabic.

Did you ever hear about St. Mary's apparition over Churches?
i guess it's heavenly event that did NEVER happen for muslims
did you ever hear about the Holy Fire, Yearly in the Holy Sepulchre:

did you ever read about the scientific errors in your book?:'an
did you ever read about the violence in hadith not koran so u don't say he is protecting himself:

Book 11, Number 2142: Sunan Abu Dawud
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:

Book 38, Number 4348: Sunan Abu-Dawud
Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:

Book 38, Number 4349: Sunan Abu-Dawud
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib:

Volume 8, Book 82, Number 794: Sahih Bukhari
Narrated Anas:

Book 38, Number 4396: Sunan Abu Dawud
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: (the funniest one)

i dare u too: prove the Bible is altered!
Prove in ur koran that says that God can not incarnate, can u prove he can't.

Thank you

you may see our discussion record on this:

some miracles of prophet muhammad were:

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