Friday, July 1, 2011

continued 2 Maybe UYOB the god I explained to you is why you don't get answers to these kinds of questions. Remember the god i think of created the universe for his own enjoyment and has no idea that we are here on earth. This god would make much more sense than your god who keeps us in confusion. With my god the answers to an (after life), (heaven and hell), (does god love us),(is our purpose in life to serve god and be with him after we die), (is there a devil.) (does god need our worship and love) (are the holy books written by god) (Is what we think we hear actually god or the Holy spirit) Each question is answered by a simple (NO) How much simpler can you get than my idea of what a god is like?? Tell me UYOB that my god doesn't make much more sense than your god does take care

"If We had caused this Qur'an to descend upon a mountain, thou (O Muhammad) verily hadst seen it humbled, rent asunder by the fear of Allah. Such similitudes coin We for mankind that haply they may reflect. (21) He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God, the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible. He is the Beneficent, Merciful. (22) He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic, the Compeller, the Superb. Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him). (23) He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (24)"
the India King converted to bea muslim after seeing moon splited

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