After burial of dead person his soul will return to his body, then two Angels will come, Munkar and Nakir, and will ask: "Who is your Lord?" he will answer: "My Lord - Allah ". Then they will ask: "What is your religion?" he will answer: "My religion - Islam". Then they will ask him: "Who that person who has been sent to you?" he will answer: "He is the Prophet of Allah." Then they will ask him: "How do you know?" He will answer: "I read the Book of Allah and trusted Him."
And then from heavens the voice will come: "My Slave has told the truth, lay it to bed from Paradise and open the Gate of Paradise " - then it will be full of pleasure and he begins to feel pleasures of the paradise, and his grave becomes spacious, that eyes can reach.
The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad ( s.a.w) said about the sinners. After burial of dead person his soul will return to the body, then two Angels will come and ask, "Who is your Lord?" he will answer: "I do not know". Then they will ask: "Who that person who has been sent to you?" he again will answer: "I do not know" - and then from the sky the voice will come: "he told a lie, Put him into a box from fire and open before it the Gate of a hell ! "- than it will be captured with heat of the hell, and his grave becomes narrow and the edges will be compressed.
In Hadith it is also said, that Angels will severely beat the sinners during interrogation in the tomb and this torture will be awful. It is informed also, that our Messenger ( s.a.w) supplicated to Allah to protect Him from tortures of the grave and asked other people to do so.
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: " The grave is the first stage of the hereafter. If a person is saved from its torment, then what comes after it is really easy. If one is not saved from it, what follows is really severer . " (Ibn Maja)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: " I have never seen a more horrible sight than that of the grave. " (Ibn Maja, Al Termizi)
And then from heavens the voice will come: "My Slave has told the truth, lay it to bed from Paradise and open the Gate of Paradise " - then it will be full of pleasure and he begins to feel pleasures of the paradise, and his grave becomes spacious, that eyes can reach.
The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad ( s.a.w) said about the sinners. After burial of dead person his soul will return to the body, then two Angels will come and ask, "Who is your Lord?" he will answer: "I do not know". Then they will ask: "Who that person who has been sent to you?" he again will answer: "I do not know" - and then from the sky the voice will come: "he told a lie, Put him into a box from fire and open before it the Gate of a hell ! "- than it will be captured with heat of the hell, and his grave becomes narrow and the edges will be compressed.
In Hadith it is also said, that Angels will severely beat the sinners during interrogation in the tomb and this torture will be awful. It is informed also, that our Messenger ( s.a.w) supplicated to Allah to protect Him from tortures of the grave and asked other people to do so.
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: " The grave is the first stage of the hereafter. If a person is saved from its torment, then what comes after it is really easy. If one is not saved from it, what follows is really severer . " (Ibn Maja)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: " I have never seen a more horrible sight than that of the grave. " (Ibn Maja, Al Termizi)
we muslims know, after death will be stay in grave (alamul barzakh) and two angels will ask us who is our Lord, religion, prophet and soon, and the proper answer will be rewarded with an inconvenient place, otherwise we will be trotured until the judgement day.
ReplyDeletejudgement day is agreat thing. all people willl collected in one place namely Mahsyar field. will be judged and will see hell, everyone must be pass throught the bridge called Shirat Mustaqim, the bridge from a hair. to reach heaven is very hard. depend on our deeds during live.