Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Post the Hadith so people know what you are talking about

I can not answer because I do not know what "social mores" are that you mention.

Perfectly normal at the time I have no problem with it

5 year old mother Peru
Lina Vanessa Medina, from the hamlet of Antacancha (village Ticrapo, near Pauranga), Huancavelica region, 55 miles (89 km) Northeast of Pisco in Peru, born on September 27, 1933, gave birth to a 2.64 kg (5.8 lb) and 47.5 cm (18.7 in) son, named Gerardo, by Caesarean section on May 14, 1939 (mother's day, that year) in Lima, at age 5 years ½. Her parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital in late March, where she was found to be 7 months pregnant

6 year old mother Ukyaine
The little "Liza", who had celebrated her 6th birthday 5 days earlier, gave birth naturally but with forceps and retractors, to a baby on August 19, 1934 in Kharkov, Ukraine

6 year old mother India
In an article published in the British Medical Journal in 1933, Dr. Hilda L. Keane reported the case of H., a 6-year-old girl who gave birth by Caesarean section to a baby girl weighing 4.19 lb (1.90 kg) at Victoria Zanana Hospital in Delhi, India on June 7, 1932. The girl was initially admitted for what was thought to be an abdominal tumor as she complained of localized pain in her lower abdomen.

9 year old mother USA [OMG !!]
Dr. V. I. Pittman of Cadaretta, Mississippi, reported having delivered nine-year-old Estelle P. of a baby boy weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) on March 16, 1908.

Another 9 year old USA [WOW ]
A girl gave birth to a premature baby boy weighing 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) at the University of Arkansas Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas on August 28, 1957.

10 YEear old USA
Sally Deweese of Butler County, Kentucky was reported by Dr. D. Rowlett to have delivered a baby girl weighing 7.75 pounds (3.52 kg) on April 20, 1834. Deweese allegedly developed breasts within weeks of birth and began menstruating at 12 months

Another 10 year old USA
Elizabeth Drayton of Taunton, Massachusetts, was reported to have given birth naturally to a baby boy weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) on February 1, 1858, after having been in labor for two or three day

Another 10 year old USA
Sallie Ellison gave birth to a baby weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) at the age of 10 years, 2 months in Bristol, Virginia on December 13, 1905.[

And one more [wow " yanks like em young]
Annie Epps of Chicago, Illinois gave birth to a baby girl weighing 6 lb (2.7 kg) at the county hospital on April 9, 1910.

How many do you want ? 10 more in the USA ?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do you know prophet married a jews to establish the relation ship with jews?

Safiyya bint Huyayy could trace her lineage directly back to Harun, the brother of the Prophet Moses . Her husband had been killed in the battle. And she became a captive under muslims power.
Prophet gave her a choice whether she would go free or become his wife. He also invited Safiyya to embrace Islam, which she did, and having given her, her freedom, he then married her. Some people may have wondered how it was that Safiyya could accept Islam and marry the Prophet when her father had been his bitter enemy, and when bloody battles had taken place between the Jews and the Muslims. The answer may be found in what she has related of her early life as the daughter of the chief of the Banu Nadir.

Do you know prophet married to help war widows?

her name was Umm Salama, her first husband died from the wounds he had received while fighting at the battle of Uhud. Umm Salama and her husband had been among the first people to embrace Islam in the early days of the Muslim community in Mecca. They had suffered at the hands of the Quraish who had tried to force them to abandon their new faith, and had been among the first group of Muslims to seek refuge under the protection of the Negus in Abyssinia. When they had returned to Mecca, believing that the situation of the Muslims had improved, they had found instead that if anything it was worse. Rather than return to Abyssinia, Abdal Asad and Umm Salama had received the Prophet's permission to immigrate to Medina, but this proved not to be as easy as they might have imagined.

Do you know prophet married her becaus her husband converted to christian?

Umm Habiba and her first husband, were among the first people to embrace Islam in Mecca, and they were among those early Muslims who emigrated to Abyssinia in order to be safe. Once in Abyssinia, however, Ubaydullah abandoned Islam and became a Christian. He tried to make her become Christian, but she stood fast. This put Umm Habiba in a difficult position, since a Muslim woman can only be married to be a Muslim man. She could no longer live with her husband, and once they had been divorced, she could not return to her father, who was still busy fighting the Muslims. So she remained with her daughter in Abyssinia, living a very simple life in isolation, waiting to see what Allah would decree for her.

One day, as Umm Habiba sat in her solitary room, a stranger in a strange land far from her home, a maidservant knocked on her door and said that she had been sent by the Negus who had a message for her. The message was that the Prophet Muhammad had asked for her hand in marriage, and that if she accepted this proposal that she was to name one of the accepted this proposal then she was to name one of the Muslims in Abyssinia as her wakil, so that the marriage ceremony could take place in Abyssinia even though she was not in the same place as the Prophet. Naturally Umm Habiba was overjoyed and accepted immediately. "Allah has given you good news! Allah has give you good news!" she cried, pulling off what little jewelry she had and giving it to the smiling girl. She asked her to repeat the message three times since she could hardly believe her ears.

Do you know prophet married the slaves
He married   women of low social class as in the case of Maria, who was given to the Prophet as a slave  by the ruler of Egypt. The Prophet  elevated her status by marrying her, instead of making her his slave. He married also the  captives: Juwairiyah  and Saffiyah,   it shows his kindness to the captives and the high regard given to women.  and gave them the highest status of women being among the “Mothers of the Believers”.  Prophet  freed or liberated women from the bondage of slavery.

Islam gave slaves freedom because they were human beings and Islam abolished slavery 1400 years ago. Europe gave them freedom because of economic and military crises just before less than 100 years ago. learn more from the book.

Islam came as mercy for human kind. NOW, in 21 century, non-muslims have this filthy racism against blacks. NO religion or society has prevented that except Islam. haters of Islam, i say to you that humanity was blessed with Islam. no wonder, its from The Creator.